The makers, sound artist David Chapman (UK) and media artist Aimo Hyvärinen (FI) are well situated in their homelands concerning art related content and distribution.

David Chapman is a documentary filmmaker, media artist and researcher with a particular interest in sound and image interaction based in London. He creates video and multichannel sound pieces for both gallery and site-specific exhibitions. David’s most recent work investigates the sonic mediation of the natural world, the durational dimensions of place, and historical and cultural issues through audio-visual installations. David's website.

Aimo (Ami) Hyvärinen is a media artist, photographer and documentary filmmaker based in Tampere, Finland. He is working mostly with culture oriented content and has been doing his own projects, exhibitions, films and installations since 1979 in Finland and abroad. He is saying: "Just doing things is the main thing for me - an eagerness to care and transmit, to wonder and marvel, and just to give away." Aimo's website.